The Nevis Turtle Group (NTG) is dedicated to the development of a Sea Turtle Conservation Program for Nevis that involves local communities, and ensure that sea turtles will be there for the use of present and future generations.
The Nevis Turtle Group is a proud member of the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) a regional coalition of sea turtle experts working to ensure the survival of endangered sea turtles in the Wider Caribbean Region.

NTG was formed in 2003 by Lemuel Pemberton. Once formed, NTG gathered together a number of concerned volunteers to help monitoring the nesting beaches on Nevis. NTG volunteers work at night on beaches around Nevis to tag sea turtles and collect information about the nesting and movement of Nevis’ sea turtles. Additional information, such as levels of nest predation and poaching are collected during morning surveys. NTG also gives presentations about sea turtles at local schools and works to involve children in sea turtle related activities.